Queen Contestant Qualifications
- Must be 17 through 21 years of age by the first official day of the fair
- Must reside within Crawford County limits
- Shall be single and have never been married
- Those who are pregnant, have been pregnant, or cohabitate with someone of the opposite sex are ineligible to participate.
- Must have a sponsor.
- Must ride in the parade on their sponsor’s float
- Entries shall be made no later than May 31st.
- All talents will be performed before the final pageant on Wednesday night. If talent is not performed all points will be forfeited with a score of zero for the talent portion of the contest.
- Talents may not be changed 24 hours before the talent practice.
- Participation in all practices IS mandatory. All materials used in the talent portion must be present and functional at the time of practice.
- Conduct that is found to be improper and detrimental to the Crawford County Fair Pageant and Crawford County Fair Board will be reason for dismissal/ and or disqualification.
- The 2023 Fair Queen and runners up will reign over the 2023 fair and must be available and assist the fair board with activities as needed.
- The Fair Queen will be asked to make personal appearances throughout the year at events in the county.
- In addition to her prizes the 2023 fair queen will receive $100 towards her expenses if she competes in the 2023 State Fair Queen Pageant.
- The 2023 Fair Queen automatically relinquishes her title if she enters into a marriage contract, or if she chooses to cohabitate with the opposite sex in lieu of a marriage contract.
- If the Fair Queen fails to complete her term as queen, her title will be passed to the runners up in order of their rank, beginning with the first runner up.
- Attendance of pre-fair outings ( excluding practice) for the Fair Queen Pageant is recommended but not required.
- A small prize will be awarded to the girl voted Miss Congeniality and Most Photogenic.
Sponsor Information
- Sponsor entry fee is $150 and must be
received no later than May 31st.
- Sponsor is to provide contestant with
parade float.
Judging Criteria
- 35% Interview
- 30% Public Speaking/Talent
- 30% Evening Gown/Stage Presence
- 5% Participation
In addition to other prizes, the Queen will receive a $500 scholarship to the college or university of her choice.
For additional information or to enter the pageant please contact:
Charley Leonard